Petr Faltus development
Oracle database examples
Java connecting to Oracle database
C# connecting to Oracle database
PHP connecting to Oracle database
Microsoft SQL Server examples
Java connecting to Microsoft SQL Server
C# connecting to Microsoft SQL Server
PHP connecting to Microsoft SQL Server
MySQL examples
Java connecting to MySQL database
C# connecting to MySQL database
PHP connecting to MySQL database
TCP socket examples
Java network communication over TCP socket
Java network communication IPv6 over TCP socket
C# network communication over TCP socket
C# network communication IPv6 over TCP socket
PHP network communication over TCP socket
PHP network communication IPv6 over TCP socket
Python network communication over TCP socket
Python network communication IPv6 over TCP socket
UDP socket examples
Java network communication over UDP socket
Java network communication IPv6 over UDP socket
C# network communication over UDP socket
C# network communication IPv6 over UDP socket
PHP network communication over UDP socket
PHP network communication IPv6 over UDP socket
Python network communication over UDP socket
Python network communication IPv6 over UDP socket
Other examples
PHP calculating Pi
Development tools
Developer ASCII table
Characters and HTML entities in the UTF-8 table
Predefined web CSS colors
CSS px to rem converter
My name is Petr Faltus.
I was born, I grew up and I live in Prague (in Czechia 🇨🇿 in EU 🇪🇺).
I am: The software and hardware developer. The tester. Computer networking, web, databases and radioelectronics knowledge. Multi-talented. With multidimensional thinking. Speaking german, english and russian. My interests are: Health, Hiking, Biking, Programming, Computer Networks, Databases, Electrical Engineering, Radioelectronics, Satellite TV, Satellite Radio, Foreign Languages, Railways, Trams. My favorite cities are: Prague, Zlín, Berlin, Innsbruck, Dresden, Vienna, Seattle (WA). This my private web creation is available completely for free. But if you want to support financially me, my pleasure to accept it (currently I have no income) and in advance thank you very much. For this case my donation account number within Czechia is 375486596/2010, from abroad the IBAN code is CZ22 2010 0000 0003 7548 6596.
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