Predefined web CSS colors
Petr Faltus development
Please enter to the form one of the following:
- the expected predefined web CSS color name (for example orange)
- the color hex number in the #rrggbb format (for example #f0e68c)
Predefined web CSS colors API
For using this development tool in your software please send a request JSON struct as raw POST data to the address
where the input JSON contains the method_number
and then the name
variable (method_number
is 1 for the nearest predefined CSS color name)
or the hex
variable (method_number
is 2 for the predefined web CSS colors sorted by the difference).
You get the reply JSON struct back.
Example of the diagnostic request:
curl --data-raw "{\"method_number\":0}"
Example of the request for the nearest predefined CSS color name:
curl --data-raw "{\"method_number\":1,\"name\":\"orange\"}"
Example of the request for the predefined web CSS colors sorted by the difference:
curl --data-raw "{\"method_number\":2,\"hex\":\"#f0e68c\"}"
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