Python network communication over TCP socket
Petr Faltus development
GitHub repository: network-socket-communication-source-codes
git clone
Directories to in the repository: python/src
import socket RECEIVER_ADDRESS = "" RECEIVER_PORT = 10000 RECEIVED_MESSAGES_MAX = 10 BUFFER_SIZE = 4096 print("TCP IPv4 stream socket receiver") receivingSocket = socket.socket(family=socket.AF_INET, type=socket.SOCK_STREAM) print("- socket created") receiver = (RECEIVER_ADDRESS, RECEIVER_PORT); receivingSocket.bind(receiver) print("- socket bound on " + RECEIVER_ADDRESS + ":" + str(RECEIVER_PORT)) receivingSocket.listen(RECEIVED_MESSAGES_MAX) print("- socket is listening for max " + str(RECEIVED_MESSAGES_MAX) + " messages") stop = False while (stop == False): (msgsock, peer) = receivingSocket.accept() print("- socket accepted request") (peer_address, peer_port) = peer (local_address, local_port) = msgsock.getsockname() print("- peer connect from " + peer_address + ":" + str(peer_port) + " on " + local_address + ":" + str(local_port)) buffer = msgsock.recv(BUFFER_SIZE) received_length = len(buffer) msg = buffer.decode() print("- message " + str(received_length) + "B received") print("|" + msg + "|") if msg == "stop": stop = True msgsock.close() print("- socket closed request") receivingSocket.close() print("- socket closed")
Directories to in the repository: python/src
import socket import sys from datetime import datetime RECEIVER_ADDRESS = ""; RECEIVER_PORT = 10000; print("TCP IPv4 stream socket sender") sendingSocket = socket.socket(family=socket.AF_INET, type=socket.SOCK_STREAM) print("- socket created") receiver_address = (RECEIVER_ADDRESS, RECEIVER_PORT) sendingSocket.connect(receiver_address) print("- connected to " + RECEIVER_ADDRESS + ":" + str(RECEIVER_PORT)) (local_address, local_port) = sendingSocket.getsockname() print("- for " + RECEIVER_ADDRESS + ":" + str(RECEIVER_PORT) + " bound on " + local_address + ":" + str(local_port)) if len(sys.argv) > 1: msg = sys.argv[1] # message is the first parameter, for example "stop" to stop the receiver else: now = msg = "This is Python message sent at " + now.strftime("%d.%m.%Y") + " in " + now.strftime("%H:%M:%S") print("|" + msg + "|") buffer = str.encode(msg) msg_length = len(msg) sendingSocket.send(buffer) print("- message " + str(msg_length) + "B sent") sendingSocket.close(); print("- socket closed")
Development tools
Developer ASCII table
Characters and HTML entities in the UTF-8 table
Predefined web CSS colors
CSS px to rem converter
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