UTF-32 byte sequence 0001F4BB

Petr Faltus development

Characters and HTML entities in the UTF-8 table

Total found UTF-8 characters: 1

Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs

    Byte sequence     HTML Entity    
Index   UTF-8 UTF-16 UTF-32     Dec Hex     Name
U+1F4BB   F0 9F 92 BB D83D DCBB 0001F4BB   💻 💻 💻 -   Personal Computer

Characters and HTML entities in the UTF-8 table API

For using this development tool in your software please send a request JSON struct as raw POST data to the address https://api.petrfaltus.net/utf8_character/json/1.0 where the input JSON contains the method_number variable and then the query variable (method_number is 1 for the request for characters and HTML entities in the UTF-8 table). You get the reply JSON struct back.

Example of the diagnostic request:

curl --data-raw "{\"method_number\":0}" https://api.petrfaltus.net/utf8_character/json/1.0

Examples of the request for characters and HTML entities in the UTF-8 table:

curl --data-raw "{\"method_number\":1,\"query\":\"C2 A9\"}" https://api.petrfaltus.net/utf8_character/json/1.0

curl --data-raw "{\"method_number\":1,\"query\":\"keyboard\"}" https://api.petrfaltus.net/utf8_character/json/1.0

Other development tools

Developer ASCII table
Predefined web CSS colors
CSS px to rem converter


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